Tuesday 15 April 2014

I am sitting here in the greatest comfort.  I have a cup of coffee made in my great big coffee maker, I haven't really availed myself of it for months.  Though it was not packed away, it was upstairs and I did not want to wake anyone up with noisy trips to the kitchen at 4 in the morning.  I revel in the luxury of it.

I am knitting this morning on my wee fella's blankie.  He likes to be warm and snug, not wrapped tight, but cozied in something warm and close to him.

 This is the one that I am where I am learning the technique of  knitting back on.  Even now after a couple of weeks of no knitting this way, and my tension is still even and smooth.  Ish.

There are still a ton of boxes and things to be put in their places - once I find their right places - so this feeling of peace and being settled and going on about the days in an ordinary way is still early and new.  

I am going to sit back and just let these small pleasures wash over me.


Sel and Poivre said...

Coffee and knitting in peace! I wouldn't call those small pleasures at all!

Christine said...

Sounds great!