Tuesday 29 May 2012

So much to tell

Every once in a while, it seems there is so much stuff to tell, that I just don't know if I could possibly tell it all before I forget.  Sometimes it just bubbles over.  Today it's like I'm a fountain of champagne bubbling out over the top of the bottle, bubbling merrily along.  It was an extraordinarily good weekend.

A wee bit ago, I started knitting to replace a basic wardrobe piece, a black turtleneck.  I am still working on it. 

I am loving the yarn.  Its just a very inexpensive black cotton from a South African company, Elle.  I suspect it was a discontinued line because the place I got it from was selling bags of it for dirt and I do mean dirt, cheap.  I have 3 bags of it, so I am just thrilled that I like knitting it.  Wouldn't it be awful to have 3 bags of something you loathed?  

Though I confess, its hard to imagine loathing any yarn unless it was that stuff that grannies knit slippers out of in the 70's.  I loathe that still.  

This project sits on my desk.  Its kind of in the way, sitting here buried under pencils and paper pads and a Russian dictionary.  Its kind of crowded by a couple glasses from the weekend (time to clean this study again), but it just sits here dark and quiet.  Its really well mannered, I must say.
I take it out every now and then and knit a few repeats of the pattern.  I have to finish a repeat though.  Each time I leave it sit mid repeat, I mess it up.  I have decided that it is so busy that no one will notice.  I didn't, till there was photographic evidence.  I submit to you the evidence.

I've messed up more than once and will likely do it again.  There is no fighting it.  I will live with it or rip it all back and just do a rib.  There is merit in the thought.  The debate rages on.  Ribs would be fine, but this is kind of fun.

There was much knitting this weekend, much much.  I worked very hard on the rose sweater and I am so pleased.  Contiguous is working out very well, and oh I love this yarn.  More on that later. 

And Son 2, tall, tall man that he is, came and tried on his now complete sweater.  It looks really good.  Almost to good to believe that I knit it.  From the back.  More about that tomorrow.  

I'm mulling how I am going to proceed on it.  I don't think it will take long to get the fix done, but I am kind of debating how I want to get there.

Anyway, busy busy weekend, and busy week upcoming.  So much to tell.  

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

Oh - I am curious about your son's' sweater.