Sunday 29 April 2012

Well on its way.

Well here you have an unusual Sunday morning post.  I'm just taking a break after a good few very solid hours knitting on the sweater.

I finished the sleeves yesterday, and then joined them to the body.  It was gorgeous outside so I sat on the back deck in the sun.  Somehow, back deck plus sun and I could knit forever.  

I had just gotten to the decreases when it was time to put it down for the evening.  I want to finish but not at the cost of my hands.  Nothing would be worse than having to stop for injury.  Its blend is very cottony and when knitting cotton, you have to take your time and do it right.

 It looks just a little odd on a 32 inch needle, poor thing laid out as if it is trying to call for help!  Everything is going so smoothly.  The decreases are looking great and they are really starting to speed up the knitting. Another two rounds and I will be doing neckline decreases too.  Zipping along.

I'm still not planning on getting the collar done today.  I am however, hopeful that magic will happen.

After all, if you can find this kind of magic in a protected corner at this time of year here in Alberta,
Who is to say that a collar can't happen on my knitting.

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