Wednesday 31 August 2011

Sweater weather

Whether you want it to be or not, fall is here.  The kids are back in school (or are about to head back), there are trees all over the place that have leaves that look as if they are thinking about turning.  The fire weed has turned from rich green to crimson.  

The glorious display of Ligularia are all but done blooming.  This was at their height.  Yes, once again, I am sitting here pulling all my knitting back and redoing what I did yesterday. I thought I had too few, but I had too many.   So, today, you get Mr. Needles late summer yard shots.  

We had the best showing of day lilies ever. Dozens of blooms a day.  
A self seeding wonder from a long time ago.  I haven't had belleflowers in this spot for at least 6 years.  Magical things happen when you have lots and lots of rain.
The ferns that almost ate the deck.  It took years to get them established and now they consume territory like nobody's business.  No wonder ferns have been around for millennia.    
The hollyhocks, also a self seeder, grew to be 8 feet tall and more and are just now blooming the last few blossoms.
The monkshood was a mass of soft blue and whites hoods, with one lone stalk going back to the original bright blue violet.  All but the buds at the very tips are now done.  It looks empty without them out my kitchen window.  
  The campfires have been camped, 
The blue skies have been spied, 
The green paths have been walked, 
The hazelnuts have by now all been gathered by busy squirrels,
And the garden has been gathered by us.  Well, there are just the potatoes left and those shall be done in a week or two.  It is just a little early yet. And if that corn ever makes anything...

I'm a little sad for summer to be done, for the green leaving us so soon. There is a quality to the air of fall, an quality that speaks of the fullness of the season, that speaks of harvest and settling in surrounded by all the bounty of the earth, that makes it all worth while. Even the nicest most summer like fall days have their share of crisp in the morning.  

It is the time of year when a sweater needs to be close to hand, and its time to get back to mine.  Sleeves and lace today.  Sleeves and lace.  

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

Your garden is impressive beyond belief! And to think that spring was so late coming, it is a miracle that these things grow so well.