Wednesday 14 July 2010

I got the internet down blues

We have had wonky Internet reception for the last few days.  In the grand scheme of things this is a small problem, really small, but in the actual sitting here, staring at the computer world of things, life stops right there.  Without my connection, I am just a little bereft.  I pickup and knit, but even with knitting, I feel like I am twiddling my thumbs.  

And there is nothing I can do about it.  Our prairie skies are giving us rain and I shall not complain.  Some places there is a little too much rain, but we will call that moisture for next year.  The clouds defeat my satellite connection and it will be a while till I can look at a change net services.  

So not a lot to say this morning, just a little knitting on something different and the hope that the signal carrying this very lame post get through.     

I know there has been a lot of music here the last bit. There will be some for a while longer. It may not to be your sort of thing, but I do beg your kind patience and acceptance of it.    

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