Thursday 29 April 2010

Spring Things

I have so much I could type today.  After struggling to find knitting that is working out, after trying not to start everything under the sun, just to have some cheery knitting to talk about instead of an endless array of fixing knitting stories, I finally have things to say, overflowing topics to talk about this morning, but I cannot take the time.

I, like hundreds of thousands of Canadians am doing my taxes this morning.  Deadline?  What deadline?

So, I must off, and do that most spring like of North American things and file my taxes.  If the result is inspiring, who knows, I may yet wax quixotic on the topic of rain gauges and burgeoning green.

Did you ever wonder if you needed minions?  


Sandra said...

I have the minions pattern (surprised??) and I also have an accountant that works for my hasband and does my taxes for a plate of brownies. I've already got my cheque back.
Don't hate me.

Brendaknits said...

I hope you get enough of a refund to go yarn shopping

Anonymous said...

I like Brenda's thought. I'm in the same boat. My boss suggested Quicktax on line. I just might check it out. My problem at the moment is a missing and very valuable receipt. GD