Monday 29 June 2009

I've been sleeping in lately

Well for me that is. There hasn't been a 4 o'clock waking in at least 2 weeks. Its strange and nice at the same time.

My knitting is bearing the brunt of it and I am starting to miss my early morning knitting. Its such a civilized way to start a day. There is something about starting the day, slowly pulling a piece of yarn thorugh a loop, and doing that one small thing over and over again that is comforting and self confirming.

Without the early morning knitting time, I have a bit of extra time to play. One of the places I have been playing on the internet lately is the magasine Creative Knitting. This is a standard newstand publication. It shows up every second month, and hides among the foody and crafty magasines. Its is one of those magasines that is not going to make waves, and start trends, but at the same time, every time I buy it, it does have things in it that I really really like. This isn't a high style magasine, but it the sort of thing that everyone would wear. In the July 09 issue, all the womens patterns go to 2 x, and some much much larger. I don't know any other magasine that does that.

So why talk about this small publication now? Because they have an online subscription service. If you are a mail subcriber you can get the online magasine for 10 bucks, and if you just want the publication online, you can get it for 14 dollars. BUT...

With your subscription, you get access to 2 years of back issues. This is the part that I find very valuable. Not only new ones, but it keeps the old ones about as long as I would keep them on my shelf. I think that is pretty cool.

All the old issues are in a pdf format, and it takes a while to download them, but so far, it has been well worth it.

As ever, when I am not playing on the net, I knit. I am working on my shawl and have moved into the third ball. It doesn't seem like it is taking long to do a row, but at the end of a full day of knitting, there doesn't seem to be any growth of the shwal. This is the soul sucking middle, and yet, when I am working on it, the Shoalwater Shawl pattern still entrances me. I worked a little on my charity knitting last evening while watching a movie. There needs to be more time for this knitting, so I can work through the bag of yarn before summer dissappears.

Off to another busy week. It is Canada Day on Wednesday so there won't be a post from me then, but there will be a delightful yarn sale at the store. 25% again on all the yarns on the floor. Which is everything the store carries. There should be info on the River City website for anyone who is out of town and interested.

1 comment:

Sigrun said...

I'm out of town and interested, but can't make it in, and it would be just too tempting to whip up an order to have sent out. That would not have the sensory satisfaction of browsing through the shop. I'm glad you're sleeping in. Join the club.