Tuesday 7 April 2009

The next thing in my head.

I'm pretty sure there is something I am forgetting to write down, sure there was something I meant to take some pictures of, but for the life of me, I can't think of what it was. I could take a picture of my still piles of snow, but even that isn't what it was yesterday. It was + 14 C yesterday and a lot of snow melted. It is looking like spring everywhere but right here in my north facing hill of a yard. In my yard, the snow piles look kind of sickly, watery, shrunken and older, but they are still there. Old man winter lives long here but gets decrepit and cranky at the end.

Knitting continues apace on the sweater, the Drop Stitch Scarf is moving right along, the socks are still on the needles and are being worked on, whenever I get a minute, but nothing is so earth shattering that it needs a new picture.

About the only interesting thing is that I am sitting here having a big cup of coffee, and that isn't at all interesting.

I can tell you I am contemplating shawls. I've thought about doing a Pi Are Square Shawl for some time. It is another EZ project from one of her books and that is one of my goals for the year. I have found some interesting yarn to work with and I can't wait.

I have a couple skeins of Kauni in the greens colourway, EK. One of the things I have noticed about shawls made from Kauni is that the ones that appeal to me are usually made with a center increase, or shawls that have a circular shaping. There are some beautiful Shetland ( a Ravelry link) shawls and I'd make the chevron styled Northern Lights shawl in a heartbeat but everyone who uses Kauni is doing this one.

The Pie Shawl is going to do exactly what I want for this yarn. Its going to give the colourway a circular flow and then a masterful square shaping along the front. I may or may not do a lace pattern. That will depend on how long the colourways are as I move down the shawl.

This could be a really really big shawl. I have enough yarn for one, but for practical purposes, I don't want to be floundering in it. Shawls that are just right let you knit while wearing them. I want this to be a warm shawl to wear here at home, but I want it to be small enough that it will fit under my winter coat.

Here I sit, dreaming of next year, thinking of next winter when this one is hardly over. I wonder if this is the Canadian way, or it is just me. This shawl is going to have to be summer knitting. With this shawl and that lovely purple Punta Mericash lacy weight yarn in the wings for a design from Estonian lace, I can already tell what kind of summer I am going to have.

Its going to be a lovely lacy one.

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