Monday 28 May 2007

Mow, mow, mow your oats

Well, its not really oats, its lawn. Looking at the pictures of my yard from an earlier post, you will see a large amount of green surrounding the house. This green oasis looks great but need a lot of cutting. This time of year, we have to cut every 3 days. Fortunately, the grass is in patches. The front is 3 smaller parts, a great big side lawn, and then the back around the fire pit. Oh yeah and the ditch. None of these pieces connect. I can cut all the front patches in one evening, then the big side yard, and then on a third evening I get the back done. I like doing it this way.

My husband who shares lawn mowing duties, likes to do it all at a run. He can do the entire thing in about an hour. Sometimes its like dueling lawn mowers, but in the end the yard gets mowed.

Right now the yard is in flux. Flower beds that need attending to, mulching over, diminishing even in some cases, weeding, and there is just no time to get it all in. A few years ago we put in borders on the beds in the front, and about half of them are mulched with cedar bark mulch.

The goal for this year is to finish the mulch part and to get edging around the rest. . If I am really motivated, or this happens before September, I might even get the mulching done on the rest of them!

I used to find time for all of that, but now it feels like its impeding on my working time. I keep hearing socks call my name, and their siren call is a lot more appealing than the sound of mow me.

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