Monday, 17 March 2025

Waiting for spring

I am watching Bobbie on the Inspired Knitting podcast.  I enjoy her Vlog so much.  She is from New Brunswick and she is one of my people.  She loves socks and always has amazing yarns and projects to share. She loves hats too and I often find she has beautiful hat patterns that I had not seen before.

It was a wonderful weekend.  The F1 season is begun with a brilliant race in Melbourne Australia.  I could not knit at all while watching it.  When I get excited, my gauge gets very tight and I would have had to reknit.  My gauge would have been very very tight this weekend.  

I knit and did make some progress.  

It is looking very shirt like.  It is also looking quite...not elegant but kind of classy.  Yes, that is the word.  The wide stripes look really good in these two strong colours.  

I have been focusing on this sweater but the last couple days I have also been thinking about this project.  

Since it will be a plain, simple vest, and since spring is on its way, it would be a very  useful wardrobe addition.  Vests are great spring and fall wear.  Not too much warm but all the parts where I need coverage, are covered.  

In between these, I have been feeling bad about my Mashup Top.  Does anybody else feel guilt about not working on projects.  Oh I know it is ridiculous.  Still, it is there.  It needs work and I am going to get it done.  It's a great spring thing too.

My head is in spring.  Daylight savings time is back (ridiculous)  and we are on Saskachewan time again. My summer knits drawer has been gone through a few times already, to admire and assess what I made and wore last year.  So much to do.  So much fun to knit.  

Also, waves to Wendy!  Hi.

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