Monday, 4 November 2024

Good Things and Childish Glee

It was a terrible and wonderful weekend. Terrible because all day Saturday was waiting for the rain in Sao Paulo to stop so they could run F1 qualifying and wonderful because the race on Sunday was utterly brilliant as was my knitting.

The collar was completed Saturday while waiting for the qualifying.   

Sewing it down double and closing the front can wait till after the sleeves are done.  Sunday was sleeve one day. I have one more row of cc 2 before starting the red again.  

Stripes, even stripes with the bit of colourwork at the change, feels so fast to knit.  

I also completed going through all my bits and bobs and stuff on Friday.   I made it through all of the places I hid things and sorted and found better homes for everything.  There wasn't really that much stuff, it was just stored so spread out.  Best of all, the places they are stored now are places I already use. 

I found and old chart of knitting and crochet hook sizes that was kind of fun.  I think I got it with a set of hooks just as Canada was switching from the old British notation to metric needle notation.

I also found my instructions for various kinds of grafting such as garter stitch.  I don't do it often enough to remember it, so having it written down is great. I found the notes about chess moves that Cater made me take last time we played, so I could remember that too. I like having these notes even though I can find the information on the net now.  For most of my life, you just did not have such easy access to bits of useful knowledge.   

The weekend also had out first snowfall.  It was only enough to see that there was white over roofs, sidewalks and streets.  It didn't stay.  It was not notable in any way but for the fact that it was.  That skiff of snow made my heart beat with childish glee.  Begone the adult thoughts of icy roads and shoveling snow and cold winter and let me just enjoy the child like thrill of the first snowfall.  Sleds and snowballs and snowmen.  Snow Angels and making tracks in fresh snow.  So much for a childish heart to look forward to.

And a very short time later, I saw a wee fellow waking along peering intently at their feet making tracks on the sidewalk.  Wee fellow understood.  I felt such kin ship with that wee person.  The first snow.  A moment later, mom and the bigger siblings came along behind and I was left with a very full heart.  

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