Back yoke ready to go. First front yoke half done. I am utterly thrilled.
I must say that after the worsted weights I have been working with the last while, I was thinking a lot about working with this lighter weight yarn. It isn't much lighter. It is a Dk according to its label, and the yarn I was using for the Anyday Sweater was a Dk. The yarn for my gorgeous yellow sweater is a Dk weight by label. It's a weight I love knitting but these last two knits and sweaters were definitely worsted. I was worried that I would find knitting this project in an unquestioned Dk, slow and that it would feel it was taking forever.
There are no stripes in this sweater. Stripes absolutely keep your interest when you knit the body of a sweater. There is always something to look forward to, something to focus on rather than the amount of knitting you have to do.
This is one ball one yarn, no stripes. All colour.
One small ball of yarn. After the last sweater with Ecologicals very giant balls, it is almost a relief. I have room for my coffee! I have space for my handy side pad of paper and a pen. I love it, but this is a light Dk yarn.
This first bit of the sweater was so much fun. And ever so difficult to put it down. It is much easier to use so I can work longer. A lot of knitting went on the last few days.
I made a concession to speed.
The ribbing in the Lipstick pattern is a twisted rib on the right side. This means a purl through the back loop on the wrong side. I don't mind purl through the back loop but it does take more time and is a little harder on my joints. I did the same thing on both sides. I knit all the knits to twist the base of the knit stitches and purled in my normal fashion on purls. Instead of every stitch of a stack of stitches being twisted, every second stitch in the stack is twisted and both sides are the same.
I have also answered another question I had about this yarn.
This one is a pleasure to in a different way than the others have been.
One last bit. I just finished reading a lovely book called a Month in the Country by J L Carr. It is lyrical and gentle and makes you think about really big feelings, really hard feelings in the most gentle way. Reading it was a complete pleasure.