Friday 20 September 2024

Not A Knitting Day

I am at the ribbing!  

Just at it but it has to start somewhere.  

As happy as this makes me, I am going to take a day off from it.  Our weather has cooled and we are in full fall mode today.  Grey skies and high temperatures under 20 C means the usual fall complaint in my thumbs has arrived.  A day of rest will be good for them. 

I am not sure if I will sew or is I will make pin loom squares.  I have an interesting project upcoming in the sewing room.  I want to make some boxes that will act as drawers on some shelving.  The pin loom squares are interesting too.  I love watching the colours play against each other as I weave.  

I also could prep my slightly larger pin loom that Keith and I are working on.  I have been making dishcloths on a 10 inch square pin loom and though the cloths are a great size when they are fresh off the loom, they shrink up a bit more than I like after a good hot wash.  We are going to try to make a slighty larger loom using some needlework stretcher bars.  My part in this is to space out and mark the spots for the nails to go.  Keith's part is the nails and securing the corners.  

Even though there won't be knitting, I am looking forward to all the things the day will bring.  So much to do.  So much fun ahead.

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