Tuesday 25 June 2024

This should have posted yesterday and yet, it seems I  did not.  Oh well.

I am trying to get over the Tolsta thing, that urge to make yet another Tolsta Tee right now.  It is so hard.
The blue Butterly  Cotton is sitting on the chair in my room and is calling to me.  It might be easier if I had no idea where the red cotton is but I do.  I know exactly which box it is in and there is a siren song coming from the closet.  I know what is going on.  The stash is conspiring against me.  

I need to get to my sewing.  All these nice tops are not worth anything if there is nothing to wear them with so I am going to be responsible and try to break Tolsta's siren song.

I started a sock.

This is the only hand dyed yarn that I picked up on my Epic trek to Nova Scotia a few years ago.  It was from a local hand dyer and I have always wanted to see how it would turn out.  It is kind of neat.  Not picturable at the moment but perhaps tomorrow.  It will make for good knitting between that usual Monday chore, laundry.

Meanwhile, I am wearing My second Tolsta Tee today.  I am really pleased with it.

There is a lot of magic in the gauge of this design.  It makes a simple shape into something quite extraordinary and wonderfully comfortable.

Okay self.  That is enough about Tolstas.  You need to fall in love with something else, okay?  You have other yarns calling.  Pay attention to their softer siren songs too. Sometimes you need that gentleness too.

Off to find the Anyday Sweatshirt yarn and pattern.

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