Tuesday 11 June 2024

The Getting is Going Well

It is quiet this morning.  The air is still and calm and the birdsong is vibrant  and clear.  The sun is brilliant in the cloudless sky and it promises to be a wonderful day.  

I did get a lot of knitting done between loads of laundry, which was actually put away on laundry day, for the first time in weeks.  

I did not quite make it to the armscye of my second Tolsta Tee.  Three more rows till that happens but I feel pretty comfortable and confident that I will get there today.    

The math and gauge says it is doing all the right things.  The sleeves will fit. The body will be exactly what I am looking for it to be.  So the math says, and while I do agree the math is probably correct, I still wonder and hope that all is right.  I will try it on after I have a few rows knit below the sleeve split like I usually do.

Besides more knitting, my goal for the day is to get to that wearable muslin of the skirt that I was talking about. I am so excited.  Keep your fingers crossed for me. 

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