Friday 28 June 2024

Sewing Chatter

After a few more hiccups, I completed every last detail on the skirt and I am so very happy with it.  I am wearing it right now and wow, it is so comfortable.  It is so successful that I am wondering if I could adapt it into a pair of pants.  I don't know but I have fabric to try that idea out on and I may do that.  Not right now though.  

Right now I want to spend a day a little bit less full of thinking and intensity and just relax for a bit knitting.  I ought to be cracking the code with some more sewing but I am not a hundred percent sure that I am ready for it.  I have fabric and know what I want to sew but I am not certain that it is what I need for my wardrobe.  Would I really wear it?

Earlier in spring, I went through all my things and went hard and sorted out everything I wore and didn't wear.  I did not allow myself to hang on to anything that was not getting worn. No painter clothes for this chickie   old hen.  If I am honest, there are still a few things in the drawers that haven't been worn in forever and I should go through it all again.  I held on to too many summer tops or else I have just too many tops.

I have been wearing my dresses, and pants and skirts with knitted tops.  I also am getting some wear out of the shirts I made using the Waikere pattern from Muna and Broad. It hasn't been really hot yet.  Full summer may change what tops I choose so those will stay.  Some things such as both of my pinafores based on Helen's Closet York Pinafore are not being worn because the skirt isn't quite right for me.  I adore the pockets and the way the top is made.  I adore them, and plan to change the skirt so it works for me (cocoons shapes are not for me).

I am so used to having so little choice in what to wear.  My thinking has gone from famine to feast.  When I like something, I sew several and then find out that I am not wearing them  because...

That's  silly and a waste of fabric so I want to slow the process and think more before I make.  When I stated sewing again, it was because I had nothing to wear.  Literally.  I did not want to spend money on things that would not fit and were of poor quality, so I sewed.  Now I am at the point that I am sewing because it is fun.  I want to be really comfortable in what I make so I am going to take the time to think it through.  

I don't know if I am making sense today.  Reorganizing my thoughts does not seem to be in my forte for today.  So I am going to just go knit something simple and plain, like socks.  Because I can. No thinking required.     

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