Thursday 30 May 2024

Bright Thursday.

It's Wednesday, right?  I have to think about that this morning because yesterday was a city sort of day and my sense of calendar is all wonky.  I hate city days.  Really truly and deeply.  I think I am best suited to being a hermit and would gladly live in a cave with the usual mod cons of heat, water, internet, power and mail service.  And my wool. My wool is required.

While I am being a hermit, I wanted to take some time to tell you about some very interesting books I have been reading.  I heard about most of them via some of the vloggers I watch on youtube.   

The Dress Diary of Mrs Ann Sykes, Kate Strasdin author

A Short History of the World According to Sheep, Sally Coulthard author

The Fabric of Civilization:  How Textiles Made the World Virginia I. Postrel author

Women's Work, the First 20,000 Years Elisabeth Wayland Barber author

Add to this the books I read earlier this year

Unruly: The Ridiculous History of England's Kings and Queens, David Mitchell author

SPQR A History of Anciient Rome, Mary Beard author

A Brief History of Japan, Jonathan Clements author

Shakespeare The World As Stage, Bill Bryson author

and I feel I can hold my head up again and call myself a reader.  

These are just the significant books I read this winter.  They don't include the Hamish Macbeths, the Christies, the Mrs, Polifaxs nor the many rereads of old favourites like the Daisy Dalrymples or the Miss Silvers.  

Updated to note:  

That was yesterday.  It seems I did not publish.   Oh well.  

It is more of the same today.  Cleaning.  Putting.  Tidying.  I hate these sorts of days and yet I enjoy them.  It feeds the uber organized side of me.  As much as I seem to be an untidy person, I actually have a side of me that only feels content when everything has a place and is sitting there waiting in its super ordered way.

I also did a very small bit of sewing.  I am testing ideas more than anything else and trying to make my end goal happen in a less complex way.  Think of the Coquelicot Skirt, and you have an idea of what I am aiming for.  

I may yet end up just buying the pattern, yet I am pushing for more.  I'd like to use less fabric overall, and avoid the elaborate pockets and front closing of the underskirt.  

All in an effort to avoid zippers and elastic.  Silly yes?  

More of the same today.  Might even get to cleaning out a big closet mess and that would be a very good thing.

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