Monday 27 May 2024

Back at it

The puzzle is complete.  Keith finally took pity on me.  It really was the most miserable one by far.  The pieces were cut loosely and you had pieces you knew fit there, but they would not work.  Until you had other pieces in place.  It was really annoying.

On the other hand, irritating puzzles do have their place.  It kept me from trying knitting to soon.  However, Sunday morning dawned and after the race (boring and thrilling at the same time.  Leclerc won his home race.)  I gave knitting a try.  

No pain at all and my hands seemed normal.  

I only worked for a few minutes each time, but I did get some done and it felt so wonderful.

There is a zone I go to when I knit. It is different than when I read a great book.  I get into the story but I don't go to another zone like happens when I knit. When I knit, I am no longer in space and time. I am become one with the rhythm and the yarn.  It is a true meditation and it brings me peacefulness in the deepest parts of my soul.  It isn't surprising that I miss it when I cannot knit.

I will knit a bit today in between household chores (my nemeses,  dishes and laundry).  I will think about sewing but only a little. For today, the knitting is enough.  

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