Friday 23 February 2024

Utkiek Work

Okay.  Back to our regularly unscheduled drivel.  

I got a lot of knitting in yesterday.  I have finished the brown and am really pleased.  I had enough to do a good wide row of it.  To goal is not perfectly matching widths of colour but that they be wide enough to look balanced.    

The pattern stiches seem to be playing into the way that works too.  Row gauge and stitch gauge need to be monitored closely, switching needles as needed according to pattern.  My stitch gauge is matching but row gauge is not always.  C'est le vie.

The stitch patterns I have used so far are shown:

The first is a basic moss stitch.  The second a slip stitch pattern included with the design. 

I haven't been enjoying the slip stitch patterns, so I picked a pattern from one of my Japanese stitch dictionaries.  It should have looked like this,

but because I mixed up right side and wrong side of my knitting, it looks like this.  Equally pleasing 

but the other would have been a better match.  The yarn couldn't have withstood yet another start so it will do. The strong vertical element of it is quite different than the other stitches so far, but there is another slip stitch design lower down that will actually balance it really well. As the pattern designer says, if you don't like one stitch pattern, use another.  I like how she put the knitter in the driver's seat.

And this is this pattern stitch of the green section.  I have a few more rows to work on this sleeve before I am done here.  I have lots of green so I don't have to worry at all about how much yarn I use.  Still the goal is to have pretty much balanced wide sections of colour and I will keep to that.  It is very much part of what drew me to the pattern.  

Just as I was sitting down to write, I noticed that I have unconsciously coordinated what I am wearing today.  


That never happens.  I feel so weird about this that I may have to put on something pink just to throw things off.  Hmmm.  Wondering if I have anything pink...

1 comment:

  1. Weird no way that is a funny chuckle. Weird is wearing a baby blue corduroy shirt to work one morning and having your somewhat new boss wear a baby blue shirt in the same exact shade. The Universe gave my co-workers such a giggle all that day. Fay
