Monday 26 February 2024

Sticking with it.

The green sections on both sleeves are now finished and the body wok has begun.  

The sleeves felt like they were working up quickly.  

The body is not.  Plus the sleeves were in the round and the body is knit flat. When I started on the body, I was in full sleeve mode.  I started the patterning the way I did to do it in the round. Because of that, I am having to do a lot of purling.  The pattern, as written has a plain knit row on the right side and the pattern stitches knit on the wrong side rows. To do it in the round, I converted the knit row to a purl row and all was well. Knitting flat, it means a lot of purling.  Oh well.  I debated about ripping back but it isn't a whole sweater.  I let it be.  

I ought to finish this green section today.  Three more wide stripes to go.  Not too long, I hope.  The really cool part of the way I am working up this sweater is that the sleeves are being knit as I go.  When I cast off the bottom, the whole garment will be done.  It is an interesting feeling.  Very interesting.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over how much you have done on the project. You are a fast knitter. Fay
