Tuesday 17 October 2023

No Knitting!

I did not quite get to knitting yesterday.  Not even a stitch.  

Yesterday was laundry day and that always means that I end up spending more time in my room than usual. Spending more time in a place usually means that I end up cleaning my room.  I didn't do that because my room was clean.  It was cluttered and out of order though.  It has been that way for a while and it was time to make stuff happen.  

Going through boxes last week was the start of that process in a way.  That stack of boxes of bits and ends and stuff needed going through and I did that very successfully.  I emptied three boxes of yarny things in total and put away some things that needed putting and as you know, gave a bunch away.  I still had one box of handspun and two small boxes of other spinning stuff just sitting around.  

I was also not happy with my doll display.  When Marcus and Carter come to visit, there was one problem in their room.  The dolls in a display cabinet in that room, were looking at them and their eyes moved and followed them. They were very weirded out.  I took the dolls to my room last winter and they boys were quite relieved.  I displayed the dolls on my open shelves but I worried about dust and I was debating how to keep them clean and displayed.  I do love to look at them.       

  I moved the doll cabinet and a few other things into into their new spaces in my room.  I moved books around on the bookcase and put the white spinning boxes onto the shelves.  And then, the most amazing thing happened.  I cleaned the corner in the hall where the miniature house cabinet sits.  

That corner was a disaster.  When I paused working on it last winter, I put all the tools and bits and pieces in that corner and ever since, I have slowly added bits and pieces, wood, glues, accumulated bits of foam  cushioning, tools for working clay, all sorts of things.  Things would fall and be tossed back but it was getting to the point where nothing would stay put. I had one white box left from former yarn ends storage, and that is now acting as storage for mini making things.  Everything fit but for the foam core board and that is in the closet near the fabric.  

And then I tidied the miniature house.  The little neighbour girl had been visiting Cassie this past summer and was entranced by it.  She played and had such fun, but things were out of order in the kitchen and there was a bowl of cauliflower in the bedroom.  That really needed to be sorted out. 

So no knitting, but I was busy and had a lot of fun. My laundry is done and put away.  My dolls are in a protected display where they cannot scare the boys anymore.  My mini house is ordered and my room is tidy for at least a while.  All in all, a very good day.

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