Monday 7 August 2023

A Blanket For the Big Guy

I had a busy weekend because I finished Isaac's blanket!  He is the oldest of my grandkids and he seldom asks for anything.  He is well into his teen years and has his own sense of stuff, which is as it should be, but he said he could sure use a blanket as soft as that.  So he is getting one.

This makes me happy, first because he asked and second, the very pleasing but still utterly brilliant colours and lastly the pattern.  I really enjoyed working up the Larksfoot Blanket direct from Bernat.  It was nice to crochet a blanket this size because crochet is still faster than my knitting.  The deep crochet stitches in this chunky yarn means speedy work.

I am so happy to have this one done in time for it to go to him today when I finally deliver all the little repaired clothing and Owen and Emmett's blankets.  All I have left to do for Scott's boys is Carter's blanket.  I was chatting with him and he really wanted red.

The thing is, there is no pure clear red on the market so he and I are going to have to have a nice chat to sort out what will work instead.  I have some ideas but they too, do not have red in their lineup.  They are wonderfully soft yarns and I know he liked them.  Silvery grey might work but I want him to choose it.

Then there is only a blanket for Marcus and he needs to help choose his colours to match his new kitty, and to finish up Cassie's blanket for her if she doesn't want to work on it this weekend instead of sewing.  

I am enjoying blankiepalozza, but still, I will not be sorry when it is done.  

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