Monday 12 June 2023

The Straw That Broke the Camels Back

Just at the end of the day, I lay the sweater out to see what I needed for length to match the back.  And then I saw it.

There it is, in the top leg of the M.  The line of solid blue suddenly becomes yellow.  I had increased on the yellow on the wrong part of the M and not caught it.  That was it.  This was the straw that broke this camels back.

I was a bit upset but I also knew it gave me a chance to change a few things.  The pockets slits were a wee bit low, there were a couple places where I missed the cross that makes intarsia colour changes hole free and I had a decrease where there ought not to have been a decrease.   

I pulled back all of the mess and even a few rows more to fix an error I had not seen till I was ripping.  Then I reknit everything I did yesterday and took it a bit farther.  I just started the ribbing on the front when I called it a day.  I love knitting ribbing flat.  It will be so fast.  

I hope to get to sleeve one tomorrow.  Onward ho.

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