Monday 12 June 2023

Back to Intarsia

I went for a walk yesterday and I walked all the way to the end of town.  Sounds impressive and it is.  However you are doing it right if you are giggling.  I live one house and yard away from the edge of town.  It is still a victory to me.  I couldn't do that for a goodly number of years, and I am thrilled that I even could try.  If the smoke stays as low as yesterday, I will do it again today.

After my adventures, I spent the whole day knitting.  It wasn't always knitting forward, but it was knitting.  

I bound off the bottom of the back on Marcus sweater.  Then it was time to address the front again.

As you can see, the front needs quite a bit more length to fit the body of my growing boy.  While I was knitting the back, I thought about adding pockets.  We had not talked about them and the long straight sides of the M were a perfect spot to put some in.  I had to go back a few rows anyway.  

The previously knit M had some slightly wider bits on the bottom that had to come off if I was going to make the M longer.  

Back to Intarsia.  Sigh.

First up, make the side yellow bit longer to match the back

 and then deep into the mess of yarn again.  It's not quite so bad as it was the first go round because there are only three balls of yarn rather than seven but still.  

I have to pin it out a bit to check on the length of things and to see how my pocket slits are fitting in to the whole garment, but I think it will be okay.  I have only a bit of the intarsia left (I think) and once i am on to plain yellow it will be smooth sailing and speedy knitting. 

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