Monday 1 November 2021

Starting Point

While waiting for those disappointing knits to dry, there was plenty of fun stuff to pick from.  Knitting happened.

I pulled out my Starting Point.  Those marvelous colors were just what my heart needed. 

This bag of glorious colour went a long way to lifting my mood.  Who coul stay sad with such green and teal and deep purple to play with?

Thoe more I knit on this, the happier I am with the colours and the way they work together.  

I am just a few rows past the width of the shawl.  It's a comfortable less than two hundred stitches to knit each row so it feels as if it is moving fast.  

The design was originally a MKAL on Joji Locatelli's Ravelry group.  I do sometimes wish that I enjoyed collective knitting more.  It can be fun to be working on the same time with a bunch of other people, but it also makes it feel like work. It feels like work sometimes if I am focusing on clothing.  To clothe myself is work but it is fun work more often than not.  But to have the fun things like shawls be work.  Why do that?

So, I knit alone.  Oh well.  My knitting my choice.  

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