Tuesday 27 July 2021

Tougher than Nintendo and Youtube.

What I wouldn't do for a my size dressmakers dummy.  Well I wouldn't spend what they cost, that is for sure, but it would be so nice to have one.  My hanging dummy body was meant to use as the base to make one, but I don't really need one anymore.  I would like one to take photos after things are made and I do not consider that as reason enough to spend the time or funds to make one so...  But it sure would be nice.  

I spent the weekend with knitting and am well on the way with the corner of the giant shawl.  It really isn't getting knit on at all during the week.  It's just too much with all the kid stuff around.  I knit on the little green top as well.  It isn't going fast.  Not really, but it is going reasonably and that is good enough.  You can really see the lines of the clever in this top and all is immensly pleasing to me. Yarn consumption continues to be pleasing.  I might just make it to a reasonable legnth after all!

This week, I planned to focus on my sewing.  I have had a pants and top cut out as well as a red polka dot dress/tunic for a bit now and I really want to get them sewn up.  I started with what was on top of the pile.  

I used everything of the fabric to get the top out of what was left from the pants.  I did not manage to get the facings at all, so I had to dig out some of my stretchy black fabric and went with that.  

A solid black bit of trim would have looked sharp but that would have meant way more fiddling than I wanted on a top that was really just a large rectangle of fabric with a head hole cut in it.  I need to hem it yet but I wanted to try it on and see if I like the way it sat and the way it moved before I decided if I should leave it as is or give it some shaping at the arms.  I can tell you now that it will stay as is.  It is a wonderfully drapey knit .  I already know that it is going to be a favourite thing.  

I finished that before lunch time and after, I started working on the pants.  There were a few malfunctions for grandma to sort out in the real world, so it did not go fast and the distraction led me to an error.

The fabric is this same light weight knit that the top is and as much as I love it and the print of this stuff, it falls into the category of fabric for tights that are not pants. I want pants, so I need a lining.  I am using a very similar plain grey knit  for that lining and I wanted to attach lining to where I need it attached before I do anything else.   These are the Glebe pants pattern from Muna and Broad and they do have a more formal lining with the pattern but my goal is a bit different with this light weight knit.  W hat I need is not a lining but a doubled thickness of fabric.  I particularly want it to be one at the back seam and the front seam so I am attaching them there before sewing the seam proper on the pants. I also want the pieces attached at the waist.  I do intend to sew the outer leg separate. The width of the fabrics is just the smallest bit different and I don't want there to be any pulling.  If this doesn't work, then the parts will be attached later at the side seam.

My sewing stopping error was that I basted the pant leg seam with the back pant lining seam (butt to calf if you will).  Had that not happened, I could have gotten all the major sewing finished.  I started feeling desperate when I was taking apart the problem part and I decided to call it a day.  Feeling desperate always leads me to errors and seriously, I make enough without desperation for no reason errors.

I went and knit and bugged the kids for a while and then it was supper and a movie and then bathtime and bed for all of us.  Today, I am going to start the day by bugging the kids and telling them grandma will keep talking till they go out and do something.  Stay in and listen at their own peril.  That would have scared the willies out of me as a kid.  The power of electronic devices is big but grandma story telling is sufficient.  Or will be.  I just have to keep telling myself I am tougher than Nintendo and youtube.  Sigh.

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