Thursday 4 March 2021

Stealing My Joy

I love a tea that brightens my day.  "Bring me the sunset in a cup" Emily Dickinson.  Sigh.  Plus ginger tea.  Yum.

I moved the marker on the blanket yesterday.  It has been a week since I knit on it and I really do want to see it move forward.  Here in the long middle, there is only knit and there are few things to mark any proegress.  

That was my zoom knitting yesterday.  I really am enjoying it.  It is just nice to talk yarn with people again.

Today is not a knitting day.  I decided that I was not going to knit at all in the hope that that antsy feeling would go away.  I thought that taking a day off of blogging would help and that the knitting zooms would help, but nope.  

Today will be a thinking of sewing day.  It is March and winter is almost over.  There are some nice light tops I want to make for myself as well as a couple of dresses or skirts, maybe an actual outfit.  I started my sewing adventures last year and really found that I like wearing skirted things in summer.  They were so much cooler.  

It is also a good day to go through the old fabric stash.  Some of this fabric is from very early in this century so it is time to use it up. I know that at least three metres of fabric were purchased of each kind, though some will have five metres.  Those were a standard.  I could do a jacket and skirt out of five metres.  Some of the pieces have been partly used though so I need to note down what is what.  

There are some fabrics there that would be perfect for the pants patterns that I have, Willandra, I am looking at you.  A nice twill weave, you say?  Many others are light enough and have the drape that an easy dress or jumper (not a sweater jumper, a pinafore jumper) could be made.  I  also have a couple nifty remnanats of fabrics that need a coordinating fabric for a project and it would be lovely to get those paired too. 

The plan is to pull out fabric, suss out what will work for at least two different pieces of fabric and then cut them out.  Or one. I would be happy with just one new thing waiting to be sewn.  

If I still have time at the end of the day, I am going to spin or weave or something like that.  Or possibly even read a printed on paper book.  I pulled a particular favourite out to reread.  It feels just a wee bit decadent these days to just sit and read and not do something else along with it.  Much as I love the audio books, I use them so I can knit and still experience a book.  Paper will ever be the best way.  Whatever I do, it will be a very purposeful day of not knitting.

I just want the antsy feeling to go away.  It is stealing joy and I am not happy with the thieving.

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