Tuesday 2 February 2021


By the time you wake this morning, the sweater will be a done deal.  That ought to be by the time I wake this morning.  

I had a great day yesterday.  I got the second sleeve finished and bonus knitting, I redid the ribbing on sleeve one after seeing this.

One of the things I did on the neckline was to use a smaller needle for the all but the first two rounds.  I worried a bit about the stitches sitting properly in the v.  When I knit the first sleeve, making the needle a smaller size for the ribbing didn't occur to me. I do not normally do it.  When I knit the second, I switched without thinking and only relaized after, that I had not done it on the first.  I much preferred the way the second cuff looked.  So, re-do.

This photo is just after the second sleeve was finished and I was about to start working on taking the sweater to it's full length.  Several thousand measurements of the under the sleeve length, finally convinced me that I only had another bit to go before the ribbing.  I didn't want the ribbing to be right under the pouch.  The pouch is really a little high for the hem to begin, but it is where my hands are and there was no point letting it go longer.  In the end, I knit just shy of two inches before starting the hem ribbing.

I want a nice wide ribbing on this sweater.  It just feels right for how I think this is going to look and wear.  I hope I don't quit before I get tired of ribbing, as usually happens. I hope all that blanket knitting has fixed that little problem.

I had ambitions when I started, of finishing the hem in one sitting, but with all the other knitting, my hands and my gumption were done by seven.  I did knit just a wee bit farther, just to be sure that the smaller needles were the right way to go.  They are, and all is ready to crank it to completion this morning.  

I started writing this about 4:30 and it is now gone just past six and I am finally tired enough to go back to sleep for just a bit more.  This is my usual sort of routine.  Normally though I get back to sleep within half an hour but not today.   Today I am popping back to bed for an hour or so.  Normally coffee takes over and gets me going but I don't think there is enough coffee in the world this morning.   

This will be done today and that makes me very happy.  Two warm cozy new sweaters since Christmas.  That is really just the nicest thing.  

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