Thursday 11 June 2020


After another good day knitting on the green coat, my hand neeeds a break.  Big needles and densely packed yarns remain a bit hard on my hands.  So today, I am opting for something else.

Exciting news.  I am having some comapny today.  With the slight relaxing of restrictions here, Cassie and Marcus are coming for a visit.  We will be part of each others larger family cohort of up to 15 people.  Technically, that starts tomorrow, but their mom has an opportunity for some firefighter work today at the new training facility in Chipman.  I am not sure how that will work with my other family, but we are working on that.  Sloppy kisses are still missed so very much by this grandma from that place in my heart.  

Today does mean a few complications.  I have had to organize a place for Cassie to work because she does have school and this afternoon, a pretty important bit of school and she needs to work with her classmates on it.  I will have to stay fairly close too, to make sure she isn't goofing off on her tablet and that she is participating.  

So today might be good to give some spinning a try.  It is generally pretty quiet to do, and can easily be done in the kitchen.  

But it promises to be a good full day of work and visiting and general enjoyment of my company.

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