Friday 21 February 2020

Volcanos and Clouds

That's what I've been working on this last bit.  Clouds and Volcanos.  

First to volcanos.  Marcus was here the other day and he was very concerned that I had not added the lava bubbles inside the volcano yet.

He said he would help me if I needed it.

It is a bit difficult to see what is going on with the lava flows.

These brilliant colours are replacing Marcus all purple lava.  As the lava leaves the volcanos cone, it cools from it's hot yellow and orange to a dark purple.  

It's hard to see the depth of that last colour, but it is a deep rich burgundy purple.  

I have been working a little slowly on this.  I didn't have my mind set on how to fill the volcano with his brilliant lava.  

My first thought was to fill it with long and short satin stitch blending colours but the longer I look at it, the more I feel that's not what this should be about.  Perusing the internet, I came across a technique that seems inspired by Japanese Sashiko embroidery.  It allows the kind movement that roilling pits of lava have.  I think the directionality of Marcus' art is going to be better served filling it in that style.  

The sun is out today (it is supposed to be springlike) so I will try to get all the lava flows done as well as my small volcano at the top.  

As much as the day promises sun, I feel as if I am knitting clouds.  I was walking by a box of yarn that should be put away, when the Phildar Phil Light with is its delicate taupe-grey jumped into my hand.  My hand isn't to be trusted right now.  It's itchy since finishing the blanket and the blue sweater.  It wants to knit all over the place.

Before I could stop it, my hand cast on this delicate airy yarn and was off and to the races before my brain could catch up.  

I think it will be a plain raglan popover top.  It's much too light to wear alone but it will be warm enough, as airy as it is, to wear on chilly afternoons.  It's going to be delicate enough to wear to fancy dress places and warm enough to wear with jeans, a cross it all piece for the modern world.  I don't go anywhere fancy and I don't  wear jeans anymore, but perhaps it can also do grandma in between.  

My errant hands did start another thing last night but time for that another day.  Today is for clouds and volcano, volcanos and clouds.  

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