Monday 24 February 2020

A Not So Long List

If I listed all the things I knit a bit on this weekend, it would be rather long.

I knit on the airy top, some socks, the bed socks, my Myrtle sweater, the yellow top. I thought a lot about the blue top with the problem lace too, so much so that it feels as if I knit on it.  I guess that's it, so maybe not so long a list, but it felt long. I was watching curling and it was very exciting so it meant my hands had trouble settling down to one thing.  

In the end most of my knitting went to the last thing I expected to be working on.

It surprised me because it wasn't interesting knitting, it was plain to the end knitting.  I had not been feeling very warm to working on it, but with curling being so exciting, plain took the day.  I am glad it did.  There are still inches to knit, but as you can see in the picture, it is getting to where I can see the end.  

The yellow to took up the mornings.  The afternoon was mixed up.  The end of the days were spent fooling around with this.

It's a slipper following the same pattern I used for my other slippers with my usual tweaks and changes.  After putting heels on my existing pair of slippers, I decided to go whole hog and make a new pair with a doubled leather sole.  The plan is to glue two layers together so my leather  recovered from old leather coats, is sturdy enough to last.  The yarn is the heathered green and brown from McAuslands and is a great yarn for warmth.  

There isn't any rush to finish the slippers.  There is for the tops in my WIP piles.  It was lovely and warm this weekend.  The sky is getting light at 7 a.m. and no matter that the calendar says it is February, it feels like spring in my brain.  I really want some new summer tops. Even though I am interested in some different patterns and working with different yarns for this spring, the need, the WANT for something new to wear for spring, means it is clear what you will see lots of the next bit.  Blue and the yellow.  

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