Wednesday 8 January 2020

Back to the Boxes.

This morning it is back to the boxes.  I mean this box

Time for more bedsocks. 

I have been wearing my bedsocks every night and it is hard to believe that just a little bit warmer thing on my feet has made such a big difference but it has. Wearing all this dedicated wool to bed has made me wonder if I should be knitting myself some classic undershirts and maybe a nightgown.  The undershirts are actually under serious consideration.  I have a stock of baby yarn, very fine superwash wool in white that would be perfect for this.  Oh yes, I have thought about this.  

For now, bedsocks.  Might be making more slippers too.  I have all the material I need to make a really good leather soled slipper and this might be a good thing to fit in while I am thinking of warm feet.

There are finished objects too!

I finished up Isaac's cowl and I have to say, it is yummy.  Brioche is just such a marvelous fabric, deep and squishy feeling even in this acrylic with a strand of refective material running through it.  It is pretty close to perfect.  I have a ball of each colour left and I just might make a second.

And continuing the running theme of my feet are cold, my first pair of socks for the year. These are monsters from the very large box of left over sock yarn.  One strand is navy and the other is a mix of seven row stripes  of all kinds of ends.  My only regret is that I couldn't find a tarn that could hold the orange long enough to get close to the orange on sock one.  These are getting heels today and are going into use as soon as they are done.  I need more thick daytime socks too.  

And all of this just as the temps are going to take a serious nosedive.  It is winter and not  unexpected or even strange.  It's winter. In Canada.  So it goes.

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