Tuesday 7 January 2020

All This Knitting

A very a long time ago, I did a lot of embroidery.  I have spoken of it here on the blog before and I have spoken of my renewed fascination with it.  But as time meandered on, I dreamt, but thought that my days of that kind of work were beyond me.  Till I came to this house.  This house is so amazingly well lit that I started to hope.

I have a particular thing I am interested in doing and I have been planning for it since last fall when I bought myself an OTT lite.  It is the most amazing thing.  Suddenly I can see even late into the evening.  I can work on dark fabrics and see tiny details (with my glasses off that is and holding things close). It helps even with the knitting.  

I played with painting fabrics, and played with layering fabrics, and I think finally I am ready to start.  I know what, I know where, I know how.  All that remains is to do.  That is what my veiled references about something different have been about.  I am eager to do.

The only problem is that it keeps bumping into my knitting time.  I seem to be able to do anything, but so long as it does not stop my knitting. I have a few things I want to tidy up and finish, but I really am really trying to make time to do something else.  

I keep going back to knitting.  I think gee my feet are chilly and find myself knitting socks.  I feel a chill on the back of my neck and want to knit shawls or cowls.  I feel generally cold and am compelled to knit sweaters.  I can knit things that actively solve a small problem in my world and that is pretty satisfying.  Top that off with the simple fact that I am endlessly fascinated by all the things you can do and the hundreds of ways of getting there and knitting is who and what I am all about.  In the most satisfying way.

But I do wish it would push over for a few minutes here and there and give me a bit of time to explore other things.

For now, I am going to have a nap, and then I will make some soup for supper.  I woke with a bit of a fever and a sore throat and i mean to kill it with kindness and ginger tea.


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