Monday 11 November 2019

The Coffee Blanket

I had a problem the other day when I was trying to stuff the new comforter.  It was just not working at all. Everything was sticking to the fabric but not staying in place till I could baste the batt in place.  I ruined a couple batts trying.

I finally gave up and had some Bailey's in my coffee.  I actually took a break and did something else amazing but I will tell you that tomorrow.  

When I made the comforter last time, I didn't remember having so much trouble.  Last time, I was putting the batts into a pre made duvet cover.  If anything, it should have been much more difficult that time.  But I remembered nothing traumatic, other than the knotting taking forever and being hard on my hands.  

There are dozens of blogs out there where detailed information about doing something can be found, but my own? Not so much.  My blog is generally full of enthusiasm and chattiness but there are darn few details about anything.  I can go back for information but all I normally find is how much I loved a yarn!  

Still, it was worth the look.  Maybe, just maybe.  And this time, I found exactly what I was looking for in this post, on my Comforter  made just after I moved here.  

So, last night well after dark, at 6 p.m. (tis the season where I really struggle to find a reason to stay up till 8 p.m.)  I sat down and basted batts together.

I have to sew another seam on the top yet, to fully replicate the duvet part of this process but the quilt sandwich is going to happen. Today.  

I just have to lay it all out on the guest bed and roll.  I am kind of looking forward to this part.  And then there is the knotting.  

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