Wednesday 23 October 2019

The Responsible Thing

I had hoped that finishing the Hun sweater would keep me going through the after-the-big-project-lull, but it is not.  I feel a little cranky and put out with the world.   I have no idea what to work on.  

And yet there are ten thousand things to do.  

I have flooring to lay in the kitchen of my miniature house.   There is a large embroidery project to start as well as several smaller ones that I would love to do.  There are some soles that I would like to put tops on for casual shoes.  There is sewing, all kinds of sewing.  There is weaving.  There are always dozens of sweaters in the wings.  All these things are just waiting for me to man up and do.

And I'm feeling just a little bit stuck.  And besides all these things there is one other thing.

There is a sense of shame that I haven't worked on this project for a while.  When I listed sweaters on this blog a couple weeks ago, I didn't even mention this one.  I seem to have completely forgotten about it.  Which project?

It's a little project that I started in November last year.  Just a simple little fingering weight cardigan closed at the neck with these wonderful buttons.  

Since I gave my room a good cleaning and tidying a couple weeks ago, the buttons have been sitting there, in my face several times a day.  Every time I walk into or out of the room, they accuse me of ignoring them and their project, just by being there.  They taunt me.  Knitting shouldn't shame the knitter unless, like me, there are fifteen other projects sitting waiting for some attention.  I really deserve to knit this sweater for me.


I am not going to be swayed by pretty button guilt or by all the other things I would love to do today.  There is a nasty wind out there this morning and I woke several times through the night just because of noise. It wuthered fiercely between the houses here.    There is a skiff of frozen looking snow, possibly some frozen rain too, covering the lawns and the cars and everything else.  Winter may be setting in.

I don't think I have a choice today.  I think I have to gird my loins and knit on my sweater/coat. It may not be the project of choice today, but it is the project of need.  Serious need.  I do have other sweaters and will layer, as usual, but this coat is designed to fit coat like to be worn over my other garments.  It would be pleasant to not feel quite so stuffed into my gear when I am out and about.

The coat may be green and it may not be lace or have pretty little handcrafted buttons waiting for it, but the coat is the sensible thing to work on.  Winter simply requires it.

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