Tuesday 22 October 2019

And the Next Thing

So one sweater all but done.   A very few ends to weave and button bands to do.  It is blocking as we speak and all I can say is O.M.G.  

I stop by the ironing board where it is drying in the hall just to pet it from time to time.  I am so pleased.  It wouldn't even have to fit well for me to love it. I haven't  tried it on yet.  At this point, I can wait.

Once I got my act together today, I did have to pick up some other knitting.  I had two very possible things to work on.  One, my coat sweater or sweater/coat.  I thought about this but it's green and I wanted something just a little different for today.  

I picked up Myrtle.

I had a bit of a revelation while knitting it this afternoon.  

I am knitting an entire sweater in a fingering weight yarn in lace.  It's a good thing it is a nice yarn and a simple rhythmic lace.  That could be overwhelming if I let it.  But it is stripes, it is pretty colors, it is interesting, blooming yarn. 

It just feels right.

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