Friday 4 October 2019

It's going to be grand!

I really love working with this yarn!  Friday Harbor from Cascade is simply magnificent. 

So often when you knit, particularly lace, or colourwork, you might feel that a project is good, but you don't really know what you have till you have given it a bath and blocked it.  With a yarn like Friday Harbor, you don't have to wait.  Right from the get-go, you know what you have on your needles.  It is a stalwart sort of yarn.  There are no obfuscations, no secrets.  No pretenses.  It shows you what it is going to be right from the first knitted inch.

What you get is pretty darn grand.  This is pre-blocking, pre anything but knitting and binding off.  It lays, just as calm as can be, waiting for you to notice how perfect it is.  I could almost send it without blocking and few would know the difference.

I have four rows on the second armband to do and the button band and I am done.  When that happens, I think I am going to miss working with this yarn.  I love its wooly dry silken self.

Not for long though, because there are so many good yarns in my closet and on my needles.  

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