Thursday 3 October 2019

In and About, Not Out and About

For all that I said I was planning to stay busy yesterday, if I was writing about yesterday, it would go like this:  I had a nap.  

However, I will forgive myself because I did this.

I am really pleased with this.  I have been worrying that I have the arm holes too long, but now that it is all laying flat, I think it is okay.  I have a plan if the whole thing is too wide for dad, but too long in the arms would mean taking off the button band and arm bands, shortening all four shoulders and then re-knitting it all.  Too wide means I make a faux seam at the side with mattress stitch to take it in just a bit.  The ribbing could be included in that faux seam easy enough.

The knitting goal for today is to get the bands complete.  And buttons.  Oh my goodness, I didn't think about buttons till just this moment.  Before I do bands, I am going to have to find some good buttons.  I think I have some in my very large button stash.  There were some very dark ones in the last big bag of buttons that I purchased.  As long as they are dark and more black than brown, they will be fine. And there is sure to be something dark in the older button satsh that will work. I don't need anything fancy.  A gentleman doesn't really want buttons that show off.  It would be unseemly.  

 I wonder if the quilt store has buttons? Just in case.

I have also made an interesting little discovery.  Yarnspirations carries Coats and Clark.  Of course it says thread in the headers at the top of the page, but I go there for the Kroy and more recently the Hempster, but now...

 Coats and Clark is a long time 'name' in sewing thread in the Canadian market.  I don't buy thread often, but it is, sadly, one of the things that I do end up having to travel to the city for.  I haven't found anyone who carries a really good stock of thread, so being able to buy it online makes me happy.  BUT, they also carry zippers.   All kinds of zippers. 

I have got to get around more.  Around the internet that is.  

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