Tuesday 4 September 2018

It appears that I have been remiss.  I haven't shown you this little sweater, though I have referred to it several times.  I am very pleased.

I started with Anne Budd's 'The Knitter's Handy Book of Top Down Sweaters'.  It's a great reference to avoid having to do all the math of sweaters by yourself. And the sizes work for Cassie.  I knew she was about a size 6, but when I looked at the sweater back it seemed impossibly wide.  She was here for a sleepover Sunday night, so she tried it on.  Perfect with just a bit of room for growing.  She should be able to wear it all year.  I am going to knit folding sleeve hems so that if her arms grow a bit longer before next year, we can make it work for then too. I have done an icord all round the neck and down the fronts, but I am not yet sure what I will do at the sweater hem. An icord will be in keeping with the rest, but it is probably smarter to go for growth.

I don't really like the look of raglans on me.  I have no idea what it is, but I find that when I have knit one, it isn't a garment that gets a lot of wear.  I sure do like knitting them for kids though.  It doesn't matter how wide their shoulders are or are not, it will fit reasonably well, and if it starts too large, it will soon look just right.  These kiddies of mine are weeds.

I have a house that is filled with lego toys that they built and one that Uncle Keith built, and there are crayons hiding under everything.  If the house is too tidy when they go home, I know they have played on the electronics too much.  It is easy to keep them away from TV.  Just put on golf, or a movie that they really are not interested in. Other electronic devices are a bit more challenging but it is the crayons are the real trouble.  They slip under everything.  I can find them weeks later, stuck under a table or behind a chair.  Still it has to get tidied away so I can do the next thing.

Since I am not going into town to spin today, I am going to play at home.  I have singles to ply, and and I want to finish this braid of red

and get it ready to ply.  If I have time, or if I make some time, I am going to do some carding to be ready for my regular spinning day next week.

So, lots of little things on my radar, and more stacked up behind them.  Off I go.  

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