I have my knitting organized, I think. The yarn for the blanket and a bag of bits for socks.
This is going to be the smallest bag I have ever gone with. I cannot take any books. They are all packed. I cannot share any yarns. Packed. Needles or other interesting things. As of yesterday, packed. I cannot take even take any fleece parts to share. It is all packing. (around my breakable goodies like my music boxes.)
I feel a little like a kid who is sneaking up to the hayloft to read on a warm summer afternoon without finishing his chores.
There is so much left to do here and I am running out of weekends to get it all done. I don't particularly like this soft end fuzzy stuff. It is much easier to do when you can do it all at once, and clear it all at once. Heck, there are a bunch of things I cannot even reach without getting some stuff out of here!
All in good time I suppose and this weekend, I will be slinking away, off to the rest and relaxation of Strawberry Creek and some good knitting.
Enjoy. GD