Friday 21 March 2014

A long time ago and far far away

A long time ago and far far away I started a hemlock Ring blanket.

It is really lovely, but I am getting to the part where it is the long slog.  It isn't nearly big enough and I have only two pattern rows till I am at the size the pattern was designed for.  

My yarn is a little finer than the Cascade Ecological Wool that the pattern was designed with. If I was a betting woman, I would bet it is a match for a regular Cascade 220.  Others might swatch, but I am a heartier sort and it is a blanket.  Lighter yarn just means more rows.

This project was hanging behind the door.  Its massive sized yarn ball (I will never get to the end of this yarn) meant it was always in the way, and the seat behind the door was the only place it had room to sit.  However, behind a door is not a good place if you plan to finish a thing.  Behind a door, is, I think, worse than 'at the back of the closet'.  Things can go missing behind the door.

Now that all the other projects are packed away till the move, now that only the sock of bits and the scarf to blanket project for my wee one and this project remain easily accessible, this is getting knit on.  

I do it right before bedtime, at the edge of my bed, sitting there as I decide what to watch on my portable dvd.  Without any effort at all, I do a row an evening.  Or almost a row.    

That wee bit of knitting just before I lay down to sleep has been the best part of my days this week.  It feels special and just a little secret and private.  It could be the kid playing hooky analogy, but this feels more like when that kid has a special hidey hole for that secret special thing he has, and he only takes it out to look at when he is absolutely certain he is alone and no one will see.  

He being he/she of course and yes in my vision he/she is wearing overalls to go with the hayloft.

Anyway, off I go to Strawberry Creek, and some lovely company.  I wish you a weekend as fine as mine.


  1. I love the Hemlock Ring Blanket. It is in my queue and someday! I will make one.

  2. I love the Hemlock Ring Blanket. It is in my queue and someday! I will make one.
