Thursday 5 January 2012

A very special something

Even with all the delicious knitting there is happening around here, not a stitch was knit yesterday.  Morning was sluggish and evening was company.  My son and his wife came out and we had a lovely dinner.  They brought a birthday surprise for me.

My daughter in law brought some vintage patterns from the Ukraine.  They are Russian magasines and patterns, vintage 1985-87.  

Very very interesting.  While the shapes might have changed, there is a lot of fodder for thought in them.

See what I mean?  Interesting things, wonderful starting points, but you would modify the shapes and lengths and update the colours.  There are some really stunning colourwork charts.  

I would also like to thank blogger for helping to upload the photos. Why, those little back room code monkeys know exactly how my photos should upload.  How wise of them.

Anyway, my photos aren't that great even if they posted with the original orientation, but I hope you can see just a little of the treasures within.


Anonymous said...

wow! great! Good present for inspiration. I have old russian and ukrainian magazines as well. But I left them in Kiev and asked parents to keep them.

Sigrun said...

There are some treasures there.