Monday 24 October 2011

6 ridges, 12 rows

I've done less knitting than I planned this weekend.  I'd hoped to get Mr. Needles sweater joined, body to sleeves, and the sleeve decreases begun.  But I didn't. (These sleeves have been dreadfully slow.)  For the life of me, I don't know what I did.  

I didn't knit a lot on anything but the sweater.  A little on a sock while I cooked my dinner and lunch, a little on my other sock.  Not a lot of results there either.  

I do know that at the end of Sunday my hands were aching.  I know that the weather plays in this.  I know it plays in how speedy my knitting is.  I do know I put in what felt like a lot of knitting hours.  Still, it is what it is.  Not a lot of knitting.

It is 6 ridges or 12 rows till I join.  Not a lot of knitting.  Small rounds.  Not much.  We'll see how it goes today.

1 comment:

Sel and Poivre said...

I always find knitting full sized men's pieces to just feel endless!