Tuesday 28 December 2010

A Personal Goal

I have a bit of a personal goal to get to before the end of the year  

I really, really want to finish the Elysium so that I can include it in my yearly knitting total.  Right now without that finished project, I am at 13, 903 metres this year.  If I can include it in my knitting total, then I will be 826 metres which would bring my total up to 14, 729 m.  And then I would have to have only a very very little bit to knit, 300 metres to get to 15000.  

I'm not to worried about reaching the 15.  I have probably forgotten to add enough projects to cover the difference, but this thousand is vital to get close enough to the total to call it done.  I am going to work really hard to get the Elysium completed for two reasons.  A. I really want to get close to the 15, and  B.  I really really want to wear it.  It is going to be grand.  I can tell.

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