Thursday 29 July 2010

Matchy Matchy?

 There has been intermittent work on the blue sweater.  It is coming along nicely and is looking fantastic.  

All that is left is a little more knitting for length and then the button band collar finishing.  As I have been knitting, I have been living this huge internal debate over how finish the hems and button band.  The plan for the original buttonband is how this sweater got started.  I never gave a whiff of a thought to hems.

The first time hems came into the thought process was as I was knitting the last stockinette row on the sleeves!  To get that over with I went with garter stitch.  It seemed easy enough to rip back if I figured something else out but planning to do something over again seemed so defeating.  Enough of that happens around here without planning for it.

I tried to settle for garter.  I really tried to talk myself into it.  Garter would `casual` it down.  The sweater is looking really really dressy.  Black tie sort of dressy and I am not the only one who thinks so.  One of the ladies at the store commented on it.  Maybe garter stitch would keep things in the realm of my wardrobe.  You know.  Jeans.  Stretchy pants.  Even worse things.

I thought hems and buttonband ought to be matchy matchy.  I had never really noticed anything different.  Isn`t matchy matchy how it is done.  I did not warm to the idea.  I just couldn`t settle on it.  

I was looking at a sweater in a Rowan book at work.  There it was.  Ribby hems and garter stitch collar and other trims on a cabled sweater.  It looked odd the way it was done on that sweater but it had more to do with the extensive cabling and the ribbing and the garter.  Too many elements somehow. Had it been simpler, it would have looked just fine.   

My elements will look like garter or stockinette.  They ought to be just fine.  The plan is to do a band of reverese stockinette and a band of stockinette followed by another band of reverse stockinette.  It would roll inward along the outer edge but I think that would be OK.  I could also finish the last bit off in garter stitch to have it finish flat if it didn`t have the right sort of flow to it.  I suppose.  But the roll is where I was at the start.

The blue sweater is going forward.  The plan is back to the beginning. Time well wasted.  No matchy matchy.    

PS  Idle fantasy.  Wouldn`it be just fine if the dollars for gold guy commercials would run for the rest of year with a stuck closed zipper in place of dollars for gold guys mouth.

PPS  ...and that e-harmony couple too. 

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