Thursday 3 June 2010

Little tasks

Today I must begin to stock the van for the season.  Its going to be a long, busy day, but I am looking forward to it.  

Books to choose for the van.  The bird book starts the pile.  I have to go looking for the plant book.  That gets used a lot around here.

It looks like it is going to be a great day to hang blankets out to air.  And the sun is going to do wonders for the pillows.  I might even go so far as to hang out all the bedding from the house too.  

There are plants to stick in the ground before we go and boxes to move about in the vegetable patch. Only two perennials, but small moves accomplish big things over time.  Gardening is a patient mans game.

There is a little more yarn to choose before I can call the van stash complete, some needles to put out with it, so that even in that most horrific of times (if I forgot my knitting at home) I would still be able to knit. 

Odds and ends chores, for house and traveling home.  Little things will fill this day, but there will be time, I am promising myself, to sit and knit in the sun.


Brendaknits said...

Hubby just got home form our trailer in Northern Ontario. Together we will go up in mid July for the rest of the summer. I have already started to pack my knitting. Usually take odd balls of yarn and patterns for small projects, but this year, I have two sweater patterns and yarn packed. So far.

Anonymous said...

If you're going this weekend, enjoy. Say Hi to the lake from me. Perhaps some day I'll get there. GD