Monday 8 March 2010

Funky Town

The scarf like parts are complete and I am about to start working on the underarms of this sweater.  I'm getting a sense of what this one is going to look like.  

Just a little funky, yes?  

Its not going to be a high fashion garment.  I'm not sure that the original looks like a high fashion garment.  What it does look like is something just a little funky and right to wear around the house. 

It will be perfect for an all around the house sweater, perfect for a van sweater, perfect for a working around the yard sweater.  It will be just right for when Mr. Needles and I, coffee cup in hand, 
take our Sunday morning constitutionals around the yard.  For these kinds of things, stylish is not the point.

Funky is as funky does, and around here, funky is as good as it gets.  This kind of sweater  is going to be just right.   

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

Funky is great. The walk around the yard is something Fred and I would do together too. Old married folks, eh?