Wednesday 10 March 2010

Breaking up is hard to do.

Sweater, I am so over you.  I am thinking of breaking up with you.  Or at the very least, I am going to rip you out, knit you in pieces and sew your sides in. 

Not that I am bitter.  At least it would allow the monkeying around I have to do to get the fit right, be less painful.

I was so fed up with that sweater that I began a project that has been put off for a very long time.  My Summer Chevron, 

though it looked great on top, needed some work.  The centre yarn overs, upon which its diagonal fit is based needed to be knit open, but I knit them closed.  It looks OK in the photo, but without constant tugging, front and back, it was unwearable.

For a very long time, I knew I was going to try to repair it by dropping stitches and fixing the errors and if that didn't work, I would rip it out and reknit. 

You can see how well that went.


At least I knew this one was a crap shoot.  Its nice yarn, and if it doesn't become the Summer Chevron again, there is plenty around to make a different sweater.   

I started a shawl with a bright cheery Zauberball lace, but after ripping that out 3 times, I put that away too.  

Ballband dishcloths are looking really good right about now.


Sandra said...

garter stitch log cabins. Very therapeutic.

Anonymous said...

I think you have a touch of cabin fever, or perhaps its spring fever. Oh take care dear sister. GD.