Monday 13 July 2009

A lot of visiting, but not a lot of knitting.

I'm having a lovely time with my folks. We shop a little, talk a lot, eat a lot. There has not been such fine cooking at Chez Needles since...the last time my mom was here. She inspires me, and is the best cook on the planet. (IMHO. Insert your mom's name and apply to your own situation)

But I did knit a little along the way too. I finished the bind off on the shawl and that will be the end. There isn't enough yarn to do any further i-cord, so what it is, it is. But it is beautiful. I hope to slip in a chance today to block it so I can show you tomorrow. The plan for the day also is going to include winding the yarn for the mystery shawl knit along and maybe if I can, knit at least a few rows. No point in waiting till I am 4 weeks behind.

I also knit a few kitchen things. I used one of the new dishcloths I made and realized the condition the rest of my dishcloths are in. I really really need to replace them. It is almost embarrassing. Oh forget that, it is embarrassing. Really embarrassing. We stopped at Micheal's while shopping, so I took the opportunity to stock up on a few skeins of some seriously bright cotton. Some has already gone into use.

I knit the dishcloth last night while waiting for dinner to cook on the Barbecue, and this morning before everyone was up, I unvented (thank you EZ)my version of a floor mop cover. I really wanted to make it using that long loopy stitch technique that I tried a while ago to make a dusting cloth (I'll be making more of those one day soon too), but could not remember how, and I was just a tad too lazy to walk downstairs to get my stitch dictionary.

Now that I am down here, I'll grab it. Might work on a second mop cover before the day is done.

Kitschy kitchen things are not my favourite things, but dishcloths, cleaning cloths, this duster for my mop. Somehow these make cleaning a lot more fun. And seriously, couldn't we all think of something better to be doing than cleaning?

Like knitting.

1 comment:

  1. I've done the ball band version of the mop cover and it works well, but I like the idea of a loopy stitch one. Must look that up...
