Friday 10 July 2009

Cleaning Up

I worked on my shawl yesterday but only wee moments snatched from what was more important. I started the bind off, but did not care for all the picots. Too fussy and I was not executing them as neatly as I hoped. It came to me that what this long and very drapey shawl needs was weight, so I started to do an icord cast off along the bottom. I love the way it looks and will do the top icord edge if I have yarn enough. Decisions decisions.

I was several inches into the bind off when my mom called. They are taking their new to them Class B Motorhome on its maiden voyage and their destination is here. I am thrilled that they are coming and appallled at the state of my house. We clean regularly, but we never really do a lot of putting away. Piles of books and things (yarn) slowly build beside chairs and along wall space, till even clean, it looks as if a tornado had gone through. I spent the day attending to the living room.

While I was at it, I cleaned off the book case, and you know, I'm glad it has been so long. If I had not waited, I would not have had all these bits collected. I found a pile of loose photos, and just had a really, really good time going through things.

This is probably the oldest picture we have of the house and yard. We have done so very much to take this place and make it our own. A 1990 then and 2009.

I found a series of pictures of the kitchen (I love my new kitchen), most recent to oldest.

This last photo is the only picture I have of the original kitchen, but I keep it close by because its a really great photo of my kids.

There was some misbehaviour happening, but I did not find out who the guilty party was till much much later, and IIRC it was not the guy kneeling down. (Son1 kneeling, Son3 - the guilty party - saying 'ha ha' while Son 2 is just off camera in the living room laughing his head off and now I know why)

And then I came across these.

Just a typical family photo session at Chez Needles, more precious to me than gold.

I have great kids. I should probably tell them that more often.

1 comment:

  1. I love the glass rack over the breakfast bar. How cool looking.
